1st European Section High Schools Contest at Don Bosco HS, three of them from Albacete, apart from Don Bosco, perfect host school, Leonardo da Vinci and Bachiller Sabuco
As there were more than seventy students, there were different activities taking place at the same time. First, sports section with Ms Iniesta organizing. Perfect job, even with our names on!Wow!
Playing dodgeball
Capture the flag, with Ms Santamaría in action
Tug of war
Skipping rope
Balloon races
Orienteering race  
All the groups with students from the three schools
Working hard!!!!
Waiting and ready for the Trivial contest
Now time to work your mind
Leonardo´s team
Don Bosco´s team
Sabuco´s team
Eventually, Don Bosco´s team won. Congratulations!!!! We were close, though.
Examples of questions with Marlene reading them and being a judge for a day. SUPER!!!!!!!
Come on, think!!!
Dancing time!!!! Excellent job, guys!!!!!Totally impressed!!!!
That´s All Folks!!!!!
Thanks a lot to Don Bosco´s students, teachers and rest of staff. We´ll always remember it. Definitely, the wonderful certificates you gave us will help. Hope to be back next year!!!!!!

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Secciones europeas

Secciones europeas
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