Our especial Gentleman with his hand on his breast by El Greco at Albasit School. What a fantastic idea!
Oops, we have two!
Let´s start! Wonderful and useful programme indeed.
The Three Little Pigs by 2 ESO Albasit school
Alice in Wonderland by 1ESO Amparo Sanz chool

Buterflies by 1 ESO Amparo Sanz school
Contest  Who wants to be a millionaire?
The audience also taking part

Our winner contestant from Bachiller Sabuco school, Carlos Abia. Congratulations!!!

Also David Marañés tried hard, but too difficult, wasn´t it? Good job, anyway!

Our last contestant, Lorena Soria. Well done!!!!

Then, a  song  The One that got away sung by Celia and Marta Selva
Queueing for the medical checks before the race. It was great! Very proffesional indeed
still in the line....
Registration form
Pulse and blood pressure
Height and weight. Don´t ask me about the second, ha,ha. Everything done by Farmacy Vocational students. Excellent training!!!
Here we are ready to run for a good reason!!!

Ms Leo, our host English teacher at Albasit school plus Ms Teresa, an English teacher at Amparo Sanz school and myself from Bachiller Sabuco school before running
Afterwards with our awesome certificates, plus Leticia, one of our Master Practicum students this term

Thank you so much to you all!!! We shared  very good moments together thinking of others not as lucky as we are

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