To start with, Mr B. was our spooky guest this year. He explained to us lots of things about Halloween and then, he told us a very scary story called "Where is my liver?" Everybody was dazzled and listenning up, well almost everyone.
Thank you very much Mr B.!!!! We are being very lucky having you around this year

Jack O´Lantern 2017 Contest
First Prize
Second Prize

Jaime, Jaime, Javier and Manuel, Year 1 ESO
Third Prize

Halloween Biscuits and Cupcakes Contest 2017
First Prize

Blanca, Sofía, Ana and Laura Year1 ESO
Second Prize


Third Prize

Aitor, Irene and Beatriz, Year 1 ESO
Gorgeous ideas!!!!!

Ana, Diana, Belén and Elia
Very difficult for the jury to decide
who would be the best ones in the end
After an EVAU exam
Totally possessed!!!!!
We would like to thank teachers and students involved in this yummy experience!!!
Congratulations to all of them!!!!!!
Looking forward to Halloween 2018!! Ha,ha
Thank you very much Mr B.!!!! We are being very lucky having you around this year
Great moments with your eerie stories
Awesome storytellers
Jack O´Lantern 2017 Contest
First Prize
Risely, Year 1 ESO
Third Prize
Alex and Pablo
Many others deserve to be mentioned as well,
of course
Halloween Biscuits and Cupcakes Contest 2017
First Prize
Blanca, Sofía, Ana and Laura Year1 ESO
Second Prize
Third Prize
Aitor, Irene and Beatriz, Year 1 ESO
Gorgeous ideas!!!!!
Ana, Diana, Belén and Elia
Very difficult for the jury to decide
who would be the best ones in the end
After an EVAU exam
Totally possessed!!!!!
Cleaning Team
Year 1 ESO and we cannot go without mentioning Ana, sara, Bea, Sofia and Manuel
Sweeping the floor with the broom
and passing the mop
Excellent job!!!!!
We would like to thank teachers and students involved in this yummy experience!!!
Congratulations to all of them!!!!!!
Looking forward to Halloween 2018!! Ha,ha
Don Quixote of La Mancha being knighted by an innkeeper
The audience is so focused listening carefully
The niece and the housekeeper were very worried as they don´t undersand Don Quixote´s behaviour
Sancho comes out to stage to become Don Quixote´s squire
All the wonderful actors and actresses that took part in the performance
Our students interacting with the Norwegian students
Always a pleasure to have a visit with such awesome students!!!
Congratulations to you all!!!!
The audience is so focused listening carefully
The niece and the housekeeper were very worried as they don´t undersand Don Quixote´s behaviour
Sancho comes out to stage to become Don Quixote´s squire
Last scene where Don Quixote dies with Sancho and his family around
All the wonderful actors and actresses that took part in the performance
Our students interacting with the Norwegian students
Always a pleasure to have a visit with such awesome students!!!
Congratulations to you all!!!!
A wonderful presentation about the History of Spain by Year 4 ESO students to the Norwegian exchange students
First dialogue betwwen the Catholic Queen Elizabeth and Cristobal Colombus, who would discover America with the Spanish monarchy help
Napoleon and the Guerilla talking, but without any agreements
Hitler asking Franco, like same political ideological partners, to take part in the World War II
Always a pleasure to share great moments with our Norwegian twinning exchange.
Awesome audience!!!!
First dialogue betwwen the Catholic Queen Elizabeth and Cristobal Colombus, who would discover America with the Spanish monarchy help
Napoleon and the Guerilla talking, but without any agreements
Hitler asking Franco, like same political ideological partners, to take part in the World War II
Always a pleasure to share great moments with our Norwegian twinning exchange.
Awesome audience!!!!
Con nuestra profesora de Historia Ana Rodríguez deleitándonos con sus explicaciones
Seis etapas diferenciadas
Gabinete de Dibujo
Gabinete de Geografía e Historia
Gabinete de Ciencias Naturales
Gabinete de Química
Gabinete de Física
Gabinete de Lengua Española
Fotos donadas por personas con alguna relación con nuestro instituto
No queríamos despedir a los alumnos de 2º Bachillerato sin antes transmitirles su propio legado
Seis etapas diferenciadas
Gabinete de Dibujo
Gabinete de Geografía e Historia
Gabinete de Ciencias Naturales
Gabinete de Química
Gabinete de Física
Gabinete de Lengua Española
Fotos donadas por personas con alguna relación con nuestro instituto
No queríamos despedir a los alumnos de 2º Bachillerato sin antes transmitirles su propio legado
Muchísimas gracias a todos los profesores de nuestro centro que han colaborado con su entusiasmo y esfuerzo para que esta colección tan apasionante se ponga en valor y conocimiento de todos.
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- Christmas Play 2009 (1)
- Cops and Robbers (1)
- Don Quixote (1)
- Don Quixote of La Mancha 2011 (1)
- Ellie´s Birthday (1)
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- English Cultural Week Programme (1)
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- Guy Fawkes´ Contest (1)
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- Halloween Judges 2010 (1)
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