The trip started very early in London with sleepy, but happy faces
At Alicante airport
 Warm welcoming!!!!
 Churros Time!!!
 Don Quixote of La Mancha role played
 by Year 2 ESO!!!
 Sightseeing Albacete!!!!
Bullfight arena
Dinners in and out.Ha,ha
 Botanic Garden!!!
 Diputacion visit
Invasores street market
 Dance School in Albacete
 Dancing Manchegas!!!
 Archaeological Museum in Albacete with our Year 4 Students as the best guides

 Playing Cluedo

 Flamenco workshop!!!!

 Spanish History Moments with Year 4
 City Hall visit

 Knife Museum
First Day at Alicante beach with ice breaker games, you already seemed best friends though.
Now well known all over, even on the newspaper
We are on Digital Albacete
and also on La Tribuna 

We would like to thank so many people such as families, teachers, Administration staff, students in and out the programme, ... Thanks to all of you this exchange has been a totally success!!!

Getting ready to fly to London!!!!

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Web con más información sobre el programa en el I.E.S. Sabuco