Four years in a row 4ESO bilingual students from three different high schools from Albacete, Leonardo da Vinci, Bachiller Sabuco and Don Bosco have gathered at Don Bosco school. Awesome opportunity to have fun, make new friends and learn new things.

First, directions were given by Ms Iniesta. Then, groups with students from the three different schools were made. Once everything was organized, the play started.
While some were playing the tug of war

 Others were stealing the flingsock with
 Ms Medina
 And others were doing orienteering

Others were playing spikeball, thanks to our PE teacher, Mr. Fernandez.

Eventually, trivial moment arrived
 Really interesting questions, read by Ms Ruiz and it was Ms Cano who dealt with the technology, always challenging
 We were trying hard

In spite of working hard the three schools, only one could win. This time, Bachiller Sabuco was the winner.

Happy Faces all over!!!!!
Everybody satisfied after having fun together
                       Very proud teachers

After all the exciting competitions, a group of Don Bosco students plus Ms O´Connors sang beautifully accompanied on guitar by another student

Great job everyone!!!!

Thank you so much once again to all the teachers from Don Bosco!!!!

Looking foward to coming next year!!!!

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Web con más información sobre el programa en el I.E.S. Sabuco