Beautiful Christmas Cards done by Ms Maribel's students
And more wonderful cards
and more and more...
We would like to wish a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014 to you all

Here you have a proof of our Sabuco Carol Singers 2013 

It neither rained, nor snowed. But close!!!!
 Just kidding!!!! 

Here we have our actresses and actors

Ana, our perfect servant, at Mr. Moncrieff's house
Two friends sharing secrets
Gwendolene and Mr Worthing, close attachment
But Lady Bracknell is in between. Oh, oh!!!!
First, some questions... to see how suitable Mr Worthing is
Our narrator, Alfonso, introducing the next scene. Good job!
Some more questions to discover Mr Worthing has lost both parents. Big problem, indeed!!!
Cecily and her governess, Miss Prism, talking about Latin lessons and ...

Dr Chasuble will christen Mr Worthing again. Why? To change his name, of course!
Mr Moncrieff asking marriage to Cecily
Two new friends apparently
Clarifying roles
A handbag was the key. Unbelievable, but true!!!!
Lady bracknell changing her mind. Always money behind!!!

At last, Mr Worthing´s name was Ernest!!!!

Very happy after so explendid performance!!!!

Our awesome Pilgrim, Ms Pérez, who made a great presentation!

Then, she changed into Squanto, our favourite Indian!!!

We learnt how useful and important is to be together!!! Good job!!!!
Thanks a lot! Waiting for you next year!!!!
Thanksgiving is here again!!!!
Huge tree with our dear students thankful thoughts!!!! Good job!!!
Ms Mª Jesús Pérez, English teacher at E.O.I. Albacete will make a presentation about Thanksgiving Day this Wednesday, 27th November 2013. Looking forward to!!!
Thanks a lot, Ms Pérez!!!

3rd Prize, Sara, Elena, Belén and Luz, 1stESO A

2nd Prize,Álvaro,Elena and Miguel, 4thESO B
1st Pize, Lucía and Irene, 2ndESO A
Really tasty!!!
Congratulations to the winners!!!!! Well done!!!

Thank you all for your participation!!!!

This  Chinese Jack O´Lantern has been 3rd Prize,
Zayra, Palmira, Eva and Noelia, 1ESO C
This Mommie Jack O´Lantern, 2nd Prize,Lucía, Gema,Paula, and Elena, 1ESO A

This Alien Jack O´Lantern, 1st Prize, Gisela, Belén and Andrea, 2ESO A and 2ESO C

Congratulations for the winners!!!!

Thank you so much to everyone. It´s been really tough for the jury to decide!!!

How to make a Jack o' Lantern

1.     Buy a big, orange pumpkin
2.     Cut off the top of the pumpkin
3.     Now scoop out(empty using a spoon) all the flesh(inside of the pumpkin)
4.     With a pen, draw the eyes, nose and mouth on the pumpkin
5.     With a knife, make the eyes, nose and mouth. Be careful!
6.     Put a candle or a small torch inside the pumpkin

7.     Put the jack o'lantern in front of a window, or on your terrace

Now, let your imagination run wild!!!!! 

·        125g butter, softened
·        125g caster sugar
·        2 medium eggs
·        125g self-raising flour
·        2 tbsp milk(table spoon)
1.     Preheat the oven to 180º C. Beat together the butter and sugar in a bowl until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, flour and milk to the bowl and beat until the mixture is smooth.
2.     Divide the mixture between the paper cases and bake in the centre of the oven until the cakes have risen and are just firm to the touch in the centre. The standard-size cakes will take about 12 to 15 minutes and the mini cakes will take 10 to 12 minutes.
3.     Remove the cakes from the oven and transfer them to a wire rack to cool.
Recipe from Cupcakes by Sue McMahon. New Holland Publishers
Now it´s your turn to add your final touch!!!!
Here you have some examples

The Big Challenge this year has been a totally success!!!!

Our First Class Honours, Maria Romero Corredor, 1 ESO. Congratulations!!!!!!!
Our Twenti Award, Raquel Gamito, 1 ESO, Well Done!!!!!!!
and also 2nd place in 2 ESO!
Diplomas and prices next 18 June at 11.30 in the auditorium
.....and much more next year!!!!

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